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Social Venture

Sustainable sanitary pads for inclusive, healthy and fair communities.

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Imagine not being allowed to leave the house for one week every month because of lack of access to menstrual products.

Period Poverty
& Period Stigma

This happens to millions of people.

Such limitation takes them away from education, work, social, political and cultural places, preventing them from self-realization and from fully participating into their community's life.

This is mostly due to​

Lack of a sustainable market offer of sanitary pads, often beyond customers' purchasing power.

Well-rooted narratives, often labelling menstruation as something to be ashamed of. 

Image by Monika Kozub

Current solutions adopted by menstruators facing period poverty and period stigma include unhygienic, uncomfortable and unsafe options.




It is time to act.

At MUSA Social Venture we believe it is time not just for a solution, but a revolution.

Let's start from the basics: a sanitary pad.

So, what are we doing?


We produce and sell MUSA Pads in underserved and undercapitalized areas, where period poverty and period stigma undermine the quality of life and infringe the rights of many people.


We do this by:




Carrying out the production in delocalized mini-factories, training and employing local community members.


Delivering educational workshops on menstrual health and management, becoming a reference point for the entire community.


Letting local communities manage the mini-factories independently, always granting technical support.

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...psst! Want to help us?

Image by John Cameron
Image by John Cameron

For MUSA, care and engagement are the engines to thrive: you have the opportunity to make an impact with us.



We are currently looking for partners to support us in our journey to our kick-off location in Rilima, Rwanda.​


We need your help to get our pads to Rwanda!



Discover more about us.


Rebecca Cenzato

That one team member that is kind of annoying but just because she cares. A lot.

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Marta Buonfiglio

Sharply on point, dedicated and reliable. Her passion for sustainability and innovation shines through.


Claudia Formisano

Our *very* cool biochemist: she loves lab life and makes sure R&D gets going.

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© 2022 By MUSA Social Venture.

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